Gay Adventures in Domesticity

Posts tagged “Pumpkin

The Eve of Halloween (proper)

What is the gayest holiday on the calendar?  HALLOWEEN!  Many people associate Halloween with gore, monsters, zombies, witches, ghouls, trick-or-treating, pumpkins, the Great Pumpkin, kids dressed as vegetables or princesses (okay, maybe I am the only one who has ever gone trick-or-treating as a pea in a pod, but I was like four).  Gay Halloween, however, is not these things.  Gay Halloween is bat shit insane.  Drag queens become super drag queens.  Sequence shops go from red to black in one week.  Glitter hangs over gay bars like smog in the city.  This.  This is Gay Halloween.

But since moving and starting to get my Ph.D., I have missed Gay Halloween this year.  It is also difficult to celebrate Gay Halloween when your partner lives eight driving hours away.  We have yet to fully celebrate Halloween together.  When we do, though, watch out.  I have already made our costumes and they are under-wraps in my closet (unlike my sex-oo-al-itay).  So, as the most fabulous-gay-friendly-happiest-most-wonderful-amazing holiday approaches, I plead to my domestigays to, please, be safe and sane.

And guess what!  That ol’ bat glows in the dark!



Oh, hi, there.  You scared me.  I’ve been so busy I forgot that I forgot that I had a blog to update, stitching to do, knitting circles to attend, and people who are anxiously awaiting for the next domestigay installment.  Okay, so maybe that last one is a stretch, but you get the idea.  So welcome back to domestigay-goodness.

It is October!  Halloween is only a week away!  So what is a domestigay to do when Halloween is a week a way?  Stitch a pumpkin, of course.  Okay, so I didn’t stitch a pumpkin, but I did stitch a funkin (a fake pumpkin).  I used a free and spooky pattern from Sublime Stitching.  Okay, so take a look.

Step 1: Transfer pattern to pumpkin using thumbtacks

Step 2: Using the pre-made holes from step one, embroider pumpkin

Step 3: DO NOT PUT FLAME IN PUMPKIN, and then sit back and enjoy your embroidered pumpkin.

Yup.  That’s it.  Enjoy this pumpkin, now.  I really am happy with the way it turned out.  Now, I am working on some amazing cross-stitch for Halloween.  I’ve determined that cross-stitch and embroidery will be the way to decorate my apartment since I am only here for five years.

Okay, now to the next cocktail napkin!  This time it is champagne!


There are only two more cocktail napkins to stitch up!  But I must do it after Halloween.

So, now you must tell me, loyal reader.  What are you craftin’ up these days?

Tomorrow, I will be bringing you a great new recipe from a Texan domestigay!! 

Happy Saturday!