Gay Adventures in Domesticity

Posts tagged “Beach

Homo Sweet Homo (Part 1)

It has been a long time.  Really.  Many things have happened in this long time.

I turned in everything at school on Monday.  I also rented a truck on Monday. Said truck was supposed to be a 16′ truck.  Tony/Tim/Bill (self=Tony/clothes=Tim/colleagues=Bill) did not have a ’16 truck despite confirming that he did.  I drove to meet Tony.  Tony lied.  There was not a 16′ truck.  To cover one of his identity’s ass, one of his other identities rented me a 24′ truck.

Driving a 24′ foot truck from Pittsburgh, PA to Kalamazoo, MI is stressful.  Ask Jeffrey the driver.  Pittsburgh has narrow streets and tunnels.  That is stressful when not driving a truck.  But I finally said au revoir to Pennsylvania.

We finally arrived at my apartment in Kalamazoo.

Then, I found out that Tony/Tim/Bill did not have enough identities.  So he stole mine.  My kind bank people caught him before he spent too much.  The timing was awful.  But I was happily in my new Domestigay apartment. See?

With many boxes to unpack, tons of furniture to assemble, and some cleaning to do, I began Domestigating my new place.  So, what does one get for helping me move eight hours away? How about my unconditional and eternal love? Implied. How about a home cooked meal at the table that they also helped me assembled? Of course!  I call this, “The First Domestigay Supper, 2011”

Spaghetti, Turkey Marinara, and Cheesy-Foccacia Bread (all homemade)

The Domestigay headquarters are finally coming together (a post touring the place tomorrow).  I’m very happy with where I am starting and this new place.  The apartment is setup to have some Domestigay fun and I can’t wait!  But what have we been doing in the mean time?  Getting our Domestigay on with an emphasis on the gay! I’m talking beaches, sun, and fun!