Gay Adventures in Domesticity

Posts tagged “entertaining

I Need a Drink

Is this week almost over?  This week has certainly been one of the most difficult, trying, stressful, and questionable weeks since the great migration to the Midwest.  It’s time for a drink!

So what does a good domestigay do when he has a stressful week?  Embroider, of course!

I am currently embroidering six cocktail napkins.  Each cocktail napkin features a different drink.  So, without further ado, I present the first of this series.

This is my vodka-on-the-rocks glass.  I call it this as opposed to an old-fashioned glass because the colors really remind me of the Absolut vodka bottle—silver, grey, blue.  I hope you like it—the vodka, not the embroidery.

The first picture in this post shows the napkin itself.  I got the napkins, of course, from Sublime Stitching.  You cannot get these napkins anymore.  BUT, there are a whole set of new cocktail napkins at Sublime Stitching you can get.  I want to get them in blue and black.  If you want to embroider your own cocktail napkins, you can order them here and get a free pattern for them from here.  Did I mention how much I love Jenny Hart?  I think she saved my life.  The pattern that I used for this comes from Jenny Hart’s first book, Sublime Stitching.  I like the simple patterns in it, but I prefer her second book (to come in a later cocktail post) for directives and projects.

On another note, I’m really excited about the coming week for domestigay!  Domestigay will be getting a great face-lift and I can’t wait to revamp the website.  That means that if you are reading this in a RSS feeder or in your e-mail, you MUST come visit when I say so.

In the meantime, tell me, what projects are you currently working on?  Submit some pictures! I’d love to hear from you!