Gay Adventures in Domesticity

Homo Sweet Homo (Part 1)

It has been a long time.  Really.  Many things have happened in this long time.

I turned in everything at school on Monday.  I also rented a truck on Monday. Said truck was supposed to be a 16′ truck.  Tony/Tim/Bill (self=Tony/clothes=Tim/colleagues=Bill) did not have a ’16 truck despite confirming that he did.  I drove to meet Tony.  Tony lied.  There was not a 16′ truck.  To cover one of his identity’s ass, one of his other identities rented me a 24′ truck.

Driving a 24′ foot truck from Pittsburgh, PA to Kalamazoo, MI is stressful.  Ask Jeffrey the driver.  Pittsburgh has narrow streets and tunnels.  That is stressful when not driving a truck.  But I finally said au revoir to Pennsylvania.

We finally arrived at my apartment in Kalamazoo.

Then, I found out that Tony/Tim/Bill did not have enough identities.  So he stole mine.  My kind bank people caught him before he spent too much.  The timing was awful.  But I was happily in my new Domestigay apartment. See?

With many boxes to unpack, tons of furniture to assemble, and some cleaning to do, I began Domestigating my new place.  So, what does one get for helping me move eight hours away? How about my unconditional and eternal love? Implied. How about a home cooked meal at the table that they also helped me assembled? Of course!  I call this, “The First Domestigay Supper, 2011”

Spaghetti, Turkey Marinara, and Cheesy-Foccacia Bread (all homemade)

The Domestigay headquarters are finally coming together (a post touring the place tomorrow).  I’m very happy with where I am starting and this new place.  The apartment is setup to have some Domestigay fun and I can’t wait!  But what have we been doing in the mean time?  Getting our Domestigay on with an emphasis on the gay! I’m talking beaches, sun, and fun!

One response

  1. Jeffrey Ingman

    Lover…yes…the move has been stressful and though it moves you far away from me, it moves you closer to your next adventure. Go conquer the world babe!

    August 7, 2011 at 3:37 pm

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